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Fruit Fly Monitoring Control
Fruit Fly monitoring control products

Bulk Attractants

Control Release Lures

Specialty Traps



FT Polymer Matrix

The FT Polymer Matrix is a proprietary formulation specifically designed to provide the maximum loading of active ingredient with the optimal release rate.  The unique chemistry of the matrix allows the cross linking to be tightened or loosened depending on the release characteristics required and is custom formulated for each semio-chemical that is encapsulated.

If you are interested in licensing this matrix or having a specific semio-chemical encapsulated for a custom application please call (425) 396-1050 or email

See also:  FT TML Plugs, FT TML Wafers, FT TML Panels, FT MeE Wafers, FT Cuelure Wafer




Copyright © 2007 Farma Tech International Corporation . All rights reserved.
1546 Boalch Avenue NW, Suite 30, North Bend, WA 98045 | Tel: (425) 396-1050 Fax: (425) 396-1059